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What Products Are Approved in Ohio?
Ohio's medical marijuana program allows patients to use a variety of medical cannabis products:
Flower: the raw material from the cannabis plant, flower in Ohio's medical marijuana program is classified as Tier 1 (less than 23% THC) and Tier 2 (23-35% THC) based on the THC content; all flower in Ohio's medical marijuana program must be vaporized rather than smoked.
Edibles: cannabis-infused food products that are taken orally; generally provides 8+ hour relief with onset taking up to two hours. Due to the way these items are metabolized by the body, THC-dominant edibles can be up to four times more psychoactivally potent compared to flower.
Tinctures: cannabis-infused drops that are taken sublingually, meaning under the tongue; tinctures are ideal for a conistent, measured dose and quicker onset than edibles making it easier to dose appropriately.
Concentrates: extraction methods are used to separate cannabinoids and terpenes from the raw plant material creating concentrated THC products that are allowed a maximum of 70% THC - twice the limit of Tier 2 flower's max.
Topicals: these are used for localized pain and inflammation to more specifically address a certain problem area(s); topicals and patches are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream to provide consistent and significant relief.
To learn more about each of the products in Ohio's medical marijuana program, click here. For more information on concentrated cannabis products more specifically, click here.
What Products Are Available & Who Is Producing It?
Buckeye Relief, Firelands Scientific, Calyx Peak, Pure Ohio Wellness, Grow Ohio (Butterfly Effect), Standard Wellness, Agri-Med Ohio (Meigs County), Ohio Clean Leaf, Ascension, Galenas, Cresco Labs, Woodward Fine Cannabis, Farkas Farms (Bullseye Gardens) and Wellspring Fields
Buckeye Relief, Firelands Scientific, Grow Ohio (Butterfly Effect), Standard Wellness, Wellspring Fields, One Orijin, Beneleaves and Cure Ohio (Cokoh)
Gummies: Buckeye Relief (Wana), Grow Ohio (Butterfly Effect), Standard Wellness, Beneleaves, Wellspring Fields and Cure Ohio (Cokoh)
Dried Fruit Leather & Granola Squares: Firelands Scientific
Caramels, Buckeyes & Peppermints: Wellspring Fields
Chocolates: Buckeye Relief
Supplemental Capsules: One Orijin, Wellspring Fields and Vireo
CBD-dominant: Firelands Scientific, Beneleaves and Vireo
1:1 (CBD/THC): Grow Ohio (Butterfly Effect), Firelands Scientific and Vireo
THC-dominant: Grow Ohio (Butterfly Effect), Beneleaves, One Orijin and Vireo
Solvent-based extraction wax (live resin, shatter, live wax, etc.): Buckeye Relief, Standard Wellness and Wellspring Fields
Solventless-based extraction wax: Firelands Scientific
Oil Syringes: Standard Wellness, Grow Ohio (Butterfly Effect) and Firelands Scientific
Concentrated Vape Cartridges (distillate and CO2): Calyx Peak, Standard Wellness, Firelands Scientific, Grow Ohio (Butterfly Effect), Beneleaves and Cure Ohio (Cokoh)
RSO: Wellspring Fields
FECO: Cure Ohio (Cokoh)
Salve/Lotion: Standard Wellness, Wellspring Fields, Beneleaves and Cure Ohio (Cokoh)
Transdermal Patch: Standard Wellness (Manna)
Where Can I Purchase Medical Marijuana in Ohio?
To find the closest dispensary location to you, check out our Ohio Dispensary Locations page that has pages for each individual dispensary that highlights the contact information and pricing at the dispensary. Additionally, we also have Patient Resources available including Best Dispensary Prices, Dispensary Discounts & Deals, and Ohio Dispensary Menus.