Medical marijuana programs are specific to each state. Cultivators and processors are usually required to operate within the state where they offer their products, so many think the medical marijuana industry is insulated from supply chain problems. This, however, is not true. Keep reading to learn more about how supply chain problems are affecting the medical marijuana industry in Ohio.
Distress in the Suez Canal Means Supply Chain Problems at Home
When the Ever Given, one of the largest container ships built to date, got stuck in the Suez Canal back in March, it was much more than a quirky news story about a boat driver who made a viral navigational error. It quickly became emblematic of one of the biggest challenges businesses are tasked with overcoming, which is maintaining all aspects of the supply chain.
A few of the biggest ways medical marijuana has been affected by the supply chain include:
There’s Uncertainty in the Costs Suppliers Face for Growing Medical Marijuana
Although the beginning of the pandemic saw many cannabis retailers bring in record sales due to panic buying, the time for marijuana cultivators to pay the piper has arrived. While many dispensaries experienced a rush of purchases from medical marijuana patients and recreational cannabis consumers alike, the people tasked with cultivating the products scrambled to do some panic buying of their own.
According to Forbes, there’s significant evidence that the rush of cultivators purchasing the supplies necessary for growing cannabis could be the catalyst for price increases on the materials they depend on.
Those concerns are compounded by worries around whether manufacturers are able to manufacture those supplies fast enough to keep up with demand. If they can’t, the problems cultivators face are likely just beginning.
Packaging Supplies That Are Necessary for Sale of Medical Marijuana are More Expensive to Source
The vast majority of cannabis manufacturers rely on China for their packaging. This helps them save on up-front costs, but leaves them at the mercy of their manufacturer in terms of when they’ll receive their deliverables.
Since the start of the pandemic coincided with the Chinese New Year in 2020, manufacturing throughout China came to a virtual halt, which put stateside medical marijuana manufacturers in a bind since most American factories aren’t equipped to produce vaping or cannabis-specific packaging which has stringent federal and local requirements.
Since most Chinese factories are back to work in a less-efficient manner due to social distancing guidelines, manufacturers have sought out alternatives that include relying on manufacturing facilities in India and Mexico instead of China.
Lack of Experience Navigating Supply Chain Hiccups
Given the infancy of medical marijuana especially here in the State of Ohio, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there’s a lack of familiarity in dealing with the supply chain problems we’re facing at the moment. Making matters worse, the pandemic complicated matters to a level that even the most seasoned cannabis supply chain experts couldn’t have fathomed.
In fact, one of the biggest obstacles newcomers in the medical marijuana supply chain face is learning local laws and regulations. The CEO of Green Flower, an e-learning platform for cannabis industry content counts over confidence and arrogance as the biggest factors that lead to people exiting the space, due to the fact that they likely haven’t taken the time to properly educate themselves about those local regulations and laws.
Demand for Medical Marijuana is Increasing and Showing No Signs of Slowing Down
The pandemic just so happens to coincide with a time in American history where the majority of citizens support both medical and recreational marijuana usage. The panic buying that many dispensaries in legal marijuana markets experienced led to state politicians allowing for never-before-seen measures being enacted, like marijuana home delivery service.
Given each of these factors, anyone interested in having a steady supply of medical marijuana for their own personal use should have plans in place for securing them safely and legally. The best way to do that in Ohio is by obtaining a medical marijuana card.
To Avoid Falling Victim to Supply Chain Shortages or Price Increases, Get Your Medical Marijuana Card Today
The temptation of procrastination might be hard to overcome, but you’ll thank yourself later by not putting off the decision to inquire about getting a medical marijuana card. Not only will you finally be able to experience pain relief without the drawbacks of over-the-counter medications, but you’ll also avoid missing out on the in-demand products that Ohio medical marijuana patients rely on.
Since there’s no end to the supply chain problems in sight and winter coming on fast, it’s time to get your medical marijuana card. Having one now will help ensure you have access to the specific medical marijuana products that will target your symptoms without the panic.
There are caring and qualified physicians who are ready to meet with you about getting certified for a medical marijuana card today (same day appointments are available), all you have to do is book your consultation - and remember if you don’t get approved there’s no charge at all.
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
Here at Ohio Marijuana Card, our goal is to help everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (866) 457-5559, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
Check out Ohio Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in Ohio.