Anyone who suffers from chronic pain knows how debilitating it can be. One aspect of managing chronic pain that can be especially frustrating is finding medication that can effectively provide relief. That’s where CBD comes in.
Now, unlike in the past, patients who suffer from chronic pain have the option to rely on medical marijuana products containing CBD to help them overcome their ailments. This is a groundbreaking development for patients suffering from chronic pain who are used to relying on traditional medications, because CBD products offer a natural alternative to those medications that have had proven success with alleviating pain.
All it takes to begin using CBD to overcome chronic pain in Ohio is a recommendation from a licensed medical marijuana physician. Once patients receive their medical marijuana card, they gain access to a host of products that have the potential to provide them with the relief they are hoping for.
Why Should You Get Your CBD at an Ohio Dispensary?
Getting CBD products from licensed medical marijuana dispensaries is better than buying them over the counter because there’s no approval process they have to pass before reaching the hands of consumers. That caveat opens the floodgates for CBD products to enter the market even if they don’t offer medicinal qualities.
Be Careful, CBD Products at Dispensaries Have Some THC
One of the main aspects of CBD that attracts patients to it is the fact that it typically provides relief without the intoxicating effects of THC products. While that’s mostly true, CBD products purchased from Ohio medical marijuana dispensaries often contain low levels of THC.
Although the CBD products found in medical marijuana dispensaries in Ohio aren’t purely CBD, the balance of CBD with THC is highly unlikely to cause unwanted intoxicating side effects. Any CBD products purchased at an Ohio medical marijuana dispensary have been approved by a board for sale to patients which is more that can be said for any over the counter CBD products.
Understanding CBD Products Available in Ohio is the First Step to Managing Pain With Cannabis
The first step to effectively using CBD to manage pain is getting familiar with the different CBD products that are available. Regardless of what type of pain a patient is dealing with, there’s a CBD product out there capable of providing relief. The main types of CBD options patients dealing with pain can buy with a medical marijuana card include:
CBD Topicals:
While the jury is still out around many of the details, scientists have been able to conclude that CBD topicals can be effective in relieving chronic pain. CBD topicals are used by simply rubbing the lotion or balm onto the areas where patients are experiencing discomfort.
CBD topicals provide quick relief because cannabidiol is capable of blocking pain by working directly with agents called andamine and 2-AG to block pain signals. They offer anti-inflammatory properties that make them an effective option for treating conditions like arthritis.
Topicals provide fast relief for patients suffering from joint or nerve pain, too. They typically don’t take longer than about 10 minutes to begin working, and patients report feeling relief for about the next hour or two.
CBD Edibles:
CBD edibles present both a tastier, and healthier alternative to over the counter pain relief products. The reason why CBD edibles are so effective when it comes to pain relief is because research says they potentially prevent the body from metabolizing anandamide, which is a compound that’s associated with regulating pain levels within the body.
There are a wide variety of CBD edibles to choose from too. Patients with an Ohio medical marijuana card have access to CBD edibles ranging from gummies to chocolate bars.
For insights about the dosage levels that are appropriate for dealing with any pain you’re experiencing, the rule of thumb is to start with 1-6 mg per your body weight. Although they take longer to set in (around 30 minutes), many patients report feeling their effects several hours after originally taking them.
CBD Tinctures:
CBD tinctures can be taken orally with water or food or sublingually, underneath the tongue. Tinctures are among the earliest methods of ingesting medical marijuana. They consist of CBD hemp flower, along with a mix of water and alcohol or olive, grapeseed or hemp oil.
CBD tinctures typically come equipped with droppers that allow patients to monitor their dosage upon consuming them. The best practice for properly dosing CBD tinctures is to start with a lower dosage and work your way up.
CBD tinctures are most commonly used to treat ailments like migraines, arthritis, and seizures. Tinctures provide the best option for medical marijuana patients seeking immediate relief without smoking. Many users feel the effects of tinctures set in within 10 minutes or so.
Vaping CBD:
Vaping CBD provides the fastest relief for patients suffering from chronic pain. The options for vaping CBD include cartridges, concentrates and pure flower. When choosing to vape CBD, it’s important for patients to make sure they have the right device on hand.
For example, if a patient prefers to vape dry herb instead of cartridges, they’ll need to make sure they have a vaporizer that’s compatible with ground flower instead of one with 510 threading for cartridges. In most cases, patients who prefer to vaporize CBD tend to feel the effects within minutes.
Buying CBD Products in Ohio
In order to experience the healing qualities of CBD products in Ohio, patients need to obtain a medical marijuana card. All it takes to receive a medical marijuana card in Ohio is making an appointment with a certified medical marijuana physician.
Since the list of conditions that qualify patients for medical marijuana in Ohio is steadily increasing, anyone suffering from chronic pain should find out whether or not they qualify.
Qualifying for medical marijuana could provide patients suffering from pain or discomfort with access to CBD products that provide the relief they’ve been seeking. To find out whether or not medical marijuana can help you overcome your chronic pain or discomfort, make an appointment with a certified medical marijuana physician online today.
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
Here at Ohio Marijuana Card, our goal is to help everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (866) 457-5559, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
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