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Four Ohio Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Coming Soon!

Alec Chenkus

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

Strawberry Fields Logo
Strawberry Fields Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Strawberry Fields has had a few obstacles to overcome over the past year as they geared up to open four total dispensary locations in Ohio. The good news: Strawberry Fields will be opening their four locations in the very near future!

Monroe Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Exterior of Strawberry Fields Monroe Dispensary
Strawberry Fields Dispensary in Monroe [Photo Source: Nick Graham/Dayton Daily News]

Located at 300 North Main Street, Strawberry Fields' Monroe dispensary location will serve as one of three northern-Cincinnati dispensaries. In other Cincinnati dispensary news, we recently covered the three downtown-Cincinnati dispensaries that are currently gearing up for their grand openings!

Dayton Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Exterior of Strawberry Fields Dayton Dispensary
Strawberry Fields Dispensary Concept in Dayton

Located at 333 Wayne Avenue, Strawberry Fields' Dayton dispensary location will serve as Dayton's most centrally-located dispensary option. There will be two other Dayton dispensaries that will open in the future, in addition to Riverside's dispensary that opened in early-July.

Logan Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Exterior of Strawberry Fields Logan Dispensary
Strawberry Fields Dispensary in Logan [Photo Source: Grace Warner/The Logan Daily News]

Located at 245 West Main Street, Strawberry Field's Logan dispensary location will serve as southeast-Ohio's second open dispensary, in addition to Jackson's currently operational dispensary. This is exciting news, as it was just two months ago that Logan's City Council member voted to overturn a city ordinance that prohibited Strawberry Fields from opening their Logan location.

Marietta Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Exterior of Strawberry Fields Marietta Dispensary
Strawberry Fields Dispensary in Marietta

Located at 414 Greene Street, Strawberry Fields' Marietta dispensary location will serve as Marietta's sole dispensary, and the closest dispensary outside of an Athens dispensary and Strawberry Fields' Logan dispensary location. It has been a long road to get Marietta's first dispensary open, as Strawberry Fields has planned to open this location since June of 2019.

The best way to ensure that you are alerted when Strawberry Fields opens their four dispensary locations is to follow us on social media on Facebook & Instagram! We use our social media to regularly post updates and breaking news announcements


Ohio Marijuana Card Logo
Ohio Marijuana Card

If you are an Ohioan suffering from one of these 21 medical conditions you may be eligible to treat your ailment with medical marijuana, which includes both THC and CBD products.

Click here to learn more about what Ohio Marijuana Card's state-certified medical marijuana doctors can do for you, or give us a call at 1-866-457-5559 and our friendly support team can walk you through the entire process, and set you up with an appointment.


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