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Marijuana terpenes are among the primary compounds responsible for the variation in the effects and medical benefits of different cannabis strains and products. Ohio medical marijuana cultivators and processors have worked to create cannabis products that target specific symptoms through tailored terpene profiles, and Ohio medical marijuana dispensaries offer a wide selection to fit the treatment needs, preferences and lifestyle of almost every patient.
The thrill of shopping at a local medical marijuana dispensary with so many products to choose from, however, may quickly fade into intimidation when you realize how much research it can take in order to find what you need to treat your condition. Common strain names like Slap Wagon and King's Moustache offer no hint of their effects, and descriptions often include no more than a list of their dominant terpenes and cannabinoid concentration.
Ohio Marijuana Card understands that you are making an investment in your health when you choose to use medical marijuana to treat your condition. We're here to help you understand what's available at Ohio dispensaries, and how to harness the power of terpenes to take control of your health and wellness! By the time you're finished reading this page, you'll be ready to make your medical marijuana selections with confidence the next time you visit your nearest Ohio cannabis dispensary.
Get Your Ohio Marijuana Card Now!
If you don't yet have your Ohio medical marijuana card, now is a great time to get one! With 25 conditions qualifying for treatment with medical marijuana, getting approved is easy, and Ohio Marijuana Card makes getting your card affordable, simple and convenient. We offer regular discounts on medical marijuana evaluations, and you can visit our certified marijuana doctors online or in person.

An Overview of Terpenes
The term, "terpenes" isn't commonly used outside of cannabis, and the concept is even new to many people who have been using marijuana for a long time. But terpenes are one of the most abundant categories of chemical compounds on earth. They are an important part of what gives all plants their coloring, texture, aroma and flavor, and they are even found in some animal products as well.
Terpenes play an important role in aromatherapy, and they have a powerful effect on our mental and physical well-being. When you feel refreshed after a walk in a pine forest, it's in part because of the most abundant terpene on earth, pinene. Lavender's soothing, calming effect is mostly due to the terpene known as linalool; the bright, cheery feeling you get when you smell citrus is due to limonene; and experts tell people to eat black pepper when they feel too high because the beta-caryophyllene can counteract the THC in your system.
Are Terpenes and Cannabinoids the Same Thing?
Terpenes and cannabinoids are often referenced together, but they are two different chemical compounds. Terpenes are responsible for variation in the odor and flavor of your marijuana, and in the subtle differences in effects. Cannabinoids work within the endocannabinoid system to create the basis of medical marijuana's psychoactive and medicinal properties.
Think of marijuana as an ice cream sundae with all your favorite toppings. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are the beautiful mound of vanilla ice cream holding everything together: cold, sweet and satisfying. Terpenes are the tasty toppings complementing what's underneath. Some of them are like hot fudge—powerful and overwhelming if there is too much, and others are like the sprinkles—just enough to provide a hint of something special.
For more information on cannabinoids, check out our Ohio Marijuana Card Beginner's Guide to Cannabinoids. You'll learn about the major cannabinoids, THC and CBD, as well as minor cannabinoids like CBG, CBN, and CBC. We also take a look at THC variations like THCV and THCA.
Most Common Medical Marijuana Terpenes
While there are more than 200 known terpenes, only a few are recognized as having pronounced effects in your medical marijuana. Here are the most common cannabis terpenes to help you better understand those descriptive lists at the dispensary. The information in this section showcases the effects of specific terpenes in marijuana, which conditions researchers believe they are good for, and which strains to look for at Ohio dispensaries.
It is our hope that this information will help you decide how to use terpenes in your treatment plan, to feel your best with medical marijuana every single day!
A Word About Choosing Your Medical Marijuana Strain Based on Terpenes
While understanding the way specific terpenes work and their most common effects can take your ability to treat your condition with cannabis to the next level, you want to be aware of the entire terpene profile of the strains you choose. No strain of medical marijuana contains just one terpene, and the other terpenes in the product will slightly alter its effects.
As always, keep an open mind, start low and go slow with your dose, and take notes in a cannabis journal to track your progress.
Most are intimately familiar with this terpene, although they may not know it: Pinene is responsible for cannabis that smells like fresh pine trees! Pinene can also be found in conifer trees, orange peels, turpentine, pine needles, rosemary, dill, basil, and parsley. In fact, pinene is the most abundant terpene in the plant kingdom!

Medicinal Properties of Pinene
Bronchodilator (helps open airway)
Anti-proliferative (may prevent growth of malignant cells)
May combat short-term memory impairment associated with THC
Common Conditions Pinene May Help Treat
Chronic pain
Popular High Pinene Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries
Farkas Farms - Unicorn Cake | Firelands Scientific - Grape Lime Ricky | Riviera Creek - Garlic Cookies

Limonene usually occurs in cannabis in trace amounts, generally between 1-2%. In isolation, this terpene is commonly associated with fruity, citrus aromas! Limonene can also be found in many everyday items like fruit rinds, cosmetics, and cleaning products, in addition to rosemary, juniper and peppermint.
Medicinal Properties of Limonene
Mood elevator
Stress relief
May help relieve heartburn and gastric reflux
May have anti-tumor properties
Improves absorption of other terpenes and chemicals by the way of the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract
Common Conditions Limonene May Help Treat
Chronic pain
*Inhalation of Limonene vapor increases serotonin and dopamine levels in key regions of the brain
Popular High Limonene Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries
Firelands Scientific - Tally Mon | Chizle - Blue Steele | Klutch Cannabis - SherbHead
Myrcene has been known to compose up to 50% of the total terpene content found in some marijuana strains! In isolation, this terpene is commonly described as displaying an earthy smell, featuring musky notes likened strongly to cloves, and it is found in hops, lemongrass and thyme.
Myrcene is known for its strong sedative effect, and patients want to make sure they are using myrcene heavy strains when they have time to appreciate the blissful "couch lock" effect that often is associated with this terpene.
Medicinal Properties of Myrcene
Displays strong sedative effects
May have anti-tumor effects, with therapeutic potential in cancer treatment

Common Conditions Myrcene May Help Treat
Chronic pain
Popular High Myrcene Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries
Superflux - Donny Burger | Firelands Scientific - Chem OG | Butterfly Effect - Layer Cake

Beta-caryophyllene is a common and often abundant terpene found in cannabis. Over the last decade, β-caryophyllene gas gained the attention of scientists when they discovered that it directly activates cannabinoid receptors (specifically, CB2 receptors). This may be what makes this terpene so effective in reducing inflammation!
In isolation, the terpene beta-caryophyllene is commonly described as displaying a distinct peppery smell, and can be found in high amounts in cloves, hops, and rosemary.
Medicinal Properties of Beta-Caryophyllene
Protects cells lining the digestive tract
Common Conditions Beta-Caryophyllene May Help Treat
Chronic pain
Brain aging (Alzheimer's Disease)
Popular High Beta-Caryophyllene Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries
Butterfly Effect - Triple Chocolate Chip | Meigs County - Cold Cookie | Standard Wellness - Sherbet
In isolation this terpene is more multidimensional than other terpenes, commonly described as displaying a piney, floral, herbaceous, and even a little citrusy aroma. In addition to marijuana, terpinolene is also found in sage, cumin, lilacs and apples.
Medicinal Properties of Terpinolene
May reduce the risk of heart disease
Common Conditions Terpinolene May Help Treat
Psychological excitement
May Help Stop Growth of Tumors
Popular High Terpinolene Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries

Butterfly Effect - Super Lemon Haze | Firelands Scientific - Ultra Sour Chem OG | Klutch Cannabis - Orange 43

The terpene linalool is found in lavender, and it is mildly psychoactive! Linalool's fresh, floral scent is used mostly in soaps and lotions, and it is a favorite in aromatherapy for its calming and anti-anxiety effects. In addition to cannabis, linalool is found in cilantro, grapes, coriander and papaya among other plants.
Medicinal Properties of Linalool
Common Conditions Linalool May Help Treat
Chronic Pain
Skin Conditions like acne and eczema
Brain degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's Disease
Popular High Linalool Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries
Curaleaf - Pyxy Styx | Firelands Scientific - Shark Shock | Buckeye Relief - Lemon Dosidos
Medicinal Properties of Ocimene
In isolation this terpene is commonly described as displaying sweet and herbaceous aroma with citrusy and woody undertones. Besides cannabis, ocimene is found in bergamot (break out the Earl Grey tea!), mangoes, pepper and kumquats.
Common Conditions Ocimene May Help Treat
Inflammatory diseases
Skin conditions
May help inhibit type 2 diabetes
May help inhibit hypertension
Popular High Ocimene Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries

Firelands Scientific - Northern Lights | Willie's Reserve - Larry Cake | Fire Rock Farms - Grape Head

In isolation the humulene terpene is commonly described with a distinct spicy, herbaceous, and subtly floral bouquet of aromas. In addition to cannabis, humulene is also found in hops, sage and ginseng.
Medicinal Properties of Humulene
Appetite suppressant
Common Conditions Humulene May Help Treat
Inflammation caused by allergies
Chronic pain
Certain infections
May help treat tumors
May aid absorption of other medicines
Popular High Humulene Marijuana Strains at Ohio Dispensaries
The Botanist - Sundae Sunset | Certified Cultivators - Greasy Rntz | Butterfly Effect - Triple Crown